Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Essay on Original sin - 1612 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Doctrines are used as a foundation to Christian beliefs. They serve to many churches as fundamentals in the direction their members chose to live their lives. It is important to understand the historical backgrounds of the doctrines that pertain to one’s particular beliefs. I will be discussing this very information for the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin mostly pertains to the Roman Catholic religion. I will be covering when, where, and why the doctrine was originated. Original sin is the theory that every man is born into sin because our mother and father have sinned. The definition given by the Catholic Encyclopedia is: â€Å"(1) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this†¦show more content†¦According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), â€Å"the doctrine of original sin is in some sense the reverse side of the doctrine of Redemption.†# nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;â€Å"In 529, a moderate form of Augustinianism was adopted, involving the theory that every man as a result of the fall is in such a condition that he can take no steps in the direction of salvation until he has been renewed by the divine grace given in baptism, and that he cannot continue in the good thus begun except by the constant assistance of that grace, which is mediated only by the Catholic Church.†# nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the old testament according to the account in Genesis 3, the original humans lived in a state of intimate fellowship with God, and enjoyed a perfect harmony with one another and with nature. They were, however, forbidden by God to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent persuaded Adam and Eve to disobey this commandment. â€Å"This led to several dire consequences, including the loss of intimate fellowship with God, mans susceptibility to physical death, a distortion of the relationship between the man and the woman, a predisposition to sin, and the loss of mans harmonious relationship with nature.†# All these consequences were inherited by Adam and Eves descendents. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The experience of originalShow MoreRelatedThe Sin Of The Original Sin961 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I think of the Original Sin, I think of the world’s first sin—the patriarchy and matriarchy sin. Today, the world consists of sinners begging the Lord for forgiveness—thanks to Adam and Eve. How different would the world be if Adam and Eve did not bit the forbidden fruit? Would such sin still exist today? â€Å"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness† (1 John 1:9 King James Version). It is important to keep in mind that no humanRead MoreThe Doctrine Of Original Sin2199 Words   |  9 PagesThe doctrine of original sin refers to in Christian doctrine, â€Å"the condition or state of sin in which each human is born; also the origin of this state.† It is often viewed as one of the most difficult parts of Christian theology. The idea that Adam’s sin was imputed to the whole human race and that we are personally implicated with Adam, is a good example of a doctrine that has generated a great deal of debate. Some theologians go as far as to view the doctrine of original sin as ‘offensive’ orRead MoreA Statement on Original Sin Essay593 Words   |  3 PagesA Statement on Original Sin First articulated by Augustine (A.D. 354–430), the doctrine of original sin holds that all of Adam’s descendants inherit the guilt of Adam’s sin and thus incur the punishment for Adam’s sin. Inheriting Adam’s guilt at birth, then, presumes one guilty before God at birth and destined for hell. This is the basis for the Catholic need for infant baptism, for the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (that Mary herself was uniquely conceived free of Adam’s guilt), andRead MoreOriginal Sin1617 Words   |  7 Pageswill be discussing this very information for the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin mostly pertains to the Roman Catholic religion. I will be covering when, where, and why the doctrine was originated. Original sin is the theory that every man is born into sin because our mother and father have sinned. The definition given by the Catholic Encyclopedia is: (1) the sin that Adam committed; (2) a consequence of this fi rst sin, the hereditary stain with which we are born on account ofRead MoreThe Doctrine Of Original Sin1537 Words   |  7 PagesProtestant Reformation. Regarding original sin and hamartiology, Augustine is the fountainhead, for both Protestant and Roman Catholic’s; however, he was not the originator of the doctrine. Depicting humankind’s solidarity with Adam preceded the teaching of Augustine, but none discussed humanity’s willful complicity in Adam’s sin as vividly and thoroughly. Imperative to understanding the doctrine of original sin is establishing the distinction between evil and sin, being cognizant not to conflateRead MoreTaking a Look at the Original Sin1159 Words   |  5 PagesOriginal Sin In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ex nihilo (out of nothing). After God created the earth he made â€Å"the adam† out of the dust of the earth and by breathing into his nostrils made the man living. Everything God created was Good, the man was also good but only with woman was man complete. God created woman from the rib of Adam. Both Adam and his partner Eve were both placed in the Garden of Eden where they were to live and eat from, everything in the Garden exceptRead MoreTemptation, Blame, Forgiveness, And An Apple Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pages2016 Temptation, Blame, Forgiveness, and an Apple Genesis-- the book of the beginning of man, according to some religions. In this book, the age old story of Adam and Eve is recorded. The book tells of the first two humans on earth performing the original sin by eating an apple from the Tree of Knowledge in the sacred Garden of Eden. While this story may seem clear cut, humans always have different perspectives on the messages to take away from stories. Sometimes, these differing views are expressedRead More Christianity vs. Islam Essay839 Words   |  4 Pagesthat man is sinful and can never inherit eternal life in the presence of God as a result of the sins of our first parents, Adam and Eve, as well as our own personal sin. Therefore it became necessary for God to become man in the person of Jesus Christ, who as the Son of God was sinless and unblemished. His purpose was to suffer and die in atonement for the sins of all whom accept his sacrifice for sin. Muslims believe all of God’s prophets, who include Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and MuhammadRead MoreAugustine’s Conception of Sin in Confessions 1700 Words   |  7 PagesIn this paper I will write about Augustine and his thoughts and ideas on sin in the Confessions, where sin originates and whether or not I believe that Augustine’s conception of sin has a place in modern society. From all of this I will conclude that through Augustines work and findings, Augustine’s conception of the human person and their human actions are somewhat relevant today, due to the fact Augustine set a standard for what human nature is, known as the ability to desire, think and do, yetRead MoreJohn Calvins Teachings Essay1025 Words   |  5 Pageseveryone. He asks, â€Å"But if all whom the Lord predestines to death are naturally liable to be sentenced to death, of what injustice do they complain?† In the most impartial understanding of justice, all are abhorred by G od because of original sin. It’s the original sin that everyone deserves to be predestined to reprobation. The mystery of why God determined it to be favorable to his glory, to allow the fall, but it’s just that he should elect some to reprobation as the conclusion. â€Å"Humans fall,

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Depression And Its Effects On Mental Illness - 1070 Words

To some people, dying sounds much more pleasurable than to live through each day with depression. Several societies consider mental health a topic of taboo in today’s society. Due to the lack of education and conversation about mental illnesses and how to properly handle them, many people are ignorant to the subject. Depression, in particular, is an incredibly common disorder and, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), about 1 in 5 adults are diagnosed with a mental disorder (3). A mind-baffling number, one in five adults, proves the prevalence of mental illness. To others, depression can appear to be an act of selfishness or a way to seek attention. Often times, people use phrases that take away from the true†¦show more content†¦As reported by NAMI, the depressed begin to show â€Å"lack of interest† in pleasurable day to day tasks (2). Daily life becomes less meaningful when an illness becomes the only topic of importance in someoneâ₠¬â„¢s life. According to C. Emily Durbin, a common symptom of depression is the cease of participating in daily activities; Durbin claims depression makes life â€Å"unbearable† (89). The questioning and labels may drive the depressed to feel like his or her life is â€Å"unbearable.† Considering depression is so destructive, these people may be lead to contemplate suicide, as they may not realize life beyond the labels. Second, the misunderstanding of the depressed may drive them to suicide. Without battling depression first hand, comprehending the experience may prove to be a challenge. Claims made by NAMI state that the depressed have â€Å"difficulty perceiving reality,† (website updated) but maybe, society has difficulty with perception. Although a complicated medical issue, people tend to romanticize depression. Society, especially teenagers, view an aching heart and constant pain as beautiful. Boys and girls slice the flesh behind their sleeves to prove t heir sadness. Black liner is pushed into the skin below people’s eyelids to show the world their illness. Due to the fact that society portrays depression as cuts, bruises and tears, people pay no mind to the women and men who hide behind a smile; people missShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Depression On Mental Illness1383 Words   |  6 PagesDepression is a disabling condition that impacts a person’s relationships, life, and health (Nardi, Francesconi, Catena-Dell’Osso, Bellantuono, 2013). People develop depression from many life stressors, including loss of a loved one, low self-esteem, lack of social support, job loss, natural life stressors, and many more. Many types of therapy can alleviate the symptoms of depression for an individual. However, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been shown to have the most consistent enduring effectsRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Mental Illness Essay1060 Words   |  5 PagesJK Rowling once said It s so difficult to desc ribe depression to someone who s never been there, because it s not sadness. In today’s world, more than 350 million people suffering from depression. It can be easily seen as big part of the truth from JK Rowling. We as a society suffering more from our approaches and how we define our problems. In United states more than 15 million Americans, or 9.5% of the population in any given one-year period. At one or more points in their lives, 10%-25% ofRead MoreMajor Depression And Its Effects On Mental Illness Essay769 Words   |  4 PagesOne in four adults−approximately 61.5 million Americans experiences mental illness in a give year. One in 17−about 13.6 million live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, major depression or bipolar disorder (The National Alliance on Mental Health,2013). A person’s mind automatically changes during the state of depression, and he thinks of several negative things all at one time. He might feel that, he is always facing failures every now and then. A person might be suffering from aRead MoreMental Illness Rehab in Macbeth by William Shakespeare788 Words   |  3 PagesIn Macbeth it went insomnia, hallucinations, and depression. All common symptoms of a mental disorder, luckily they all have cures. There’s millions of mental disorders, some more common than others, all still take a huge place within mental illness, which doesn’t make them any less important than any other illness. The topic is mental illness, sit down and explain the problem, causes of said mental illness, effects of said mental illnesses, and the solutions to nail it down. The problem that’sRead MoreWhat Does Depression Mean?896 Words   |  4 PagesWhat does depression mean? When you hear the word depression you think of being down or sad, but you don’t usually think of it as a mental illness or disease. In today’s society we hide depression from others because we feel it is not acceptable to be sad, or to let others know that we have faults. Depression is a darkness that can overwhelm you, it can take your happiness away and replaces it with negative thoughts. Many people use depression to attract attention, which gives depression a bad reputationRead MoreThe Mega Marketing Of Depression1448 Words   |  6 PagesIllness is a period of sickness that can be further categorized into two parts: mental illness or physical illness. Physical illness can occur anywhere on or in one’s body, while mental illness occurs in the brain. Since mental illness occurs in such a sensitive area it differs from physical illness in the sense that there is no universal symptom for a certain mental illness such as depression, but there are hundreds of sym ptoms for a mental disorder throughout the world. These inconsistencies basedRead MoreWhat Is The Mental Health? Essay1628 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is the mental health? Mental health embraces emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It has an effect on thinking, feeling, and acting. It also helps to define how people handle stress and make choices. Mental health is momentous through the stages of life, from childhood and adolescence via adulthood. In the life, if someone experience mental health problems, it has an effect on thinking, behaviour, and mood. Many causes contribute to mental health problems, containing: Life experiencesRead MoreMental Illness And Condition That Influences The Brain1654 Words   |  7 Pages Define the mental illness. Depression is a mental illness and condition that influences the brain. The mental illness affects an individual’s feelings and thoughts negatively which results in the lowering of one’s mood. 2. Describe the nature of the mental illness. Depression is a real mental condition that affects many people around the world. It affects all ages, social backgrounds and genders. There are many signs and symptoms of depression. Common symptoms of depression are sleepingRead MoreTaking a Look at Teenage Depression1434 Words   |  6 PagesDepression: severe despondency and dejection typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. Depression: a debilitating mental and physical disorder. Depression: an illness that has an uncountable amount of treatments within reach of anyone who suffers, yet in the US alone over 2000 children between the age of 10 and 19 completed in ending their life (National Alliance on Mental Illness). As Kevin Breel speaks about his struggle with trying to allowRead MoreMajor Depressive Disorder And Its Variants1615 Words   |  7 PagesSystem and Peripheral Nervous System of which participate in voluntary and involuntary controlled functions. Detrimental e ffects can occur if there are issues that interfere with normal functioning of this system that can lead to one of many mental and physiological illnesses. Notably, Depression is one of the most common mental ailments that occur in about 6% of adults in America (Mental Health America). It can be characterized when one displays a lack of interest in activities, continuous anxious or

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Secondary Storage Essay Example For Students

Secondary Storage Essay SECONDARY STORAGE Secondary storage provides cheap, non-volatile high capacity storage. There Are basically two types of secondary storage: * Magnetic devices * Optical devices MAGNETIC DEVICES Magnetic Disc The Magnetic Disk is Flat, circular platter with metallic coating that is rotated beneath read/write heads. It is a direct access device; read/write head can be moved to any location on the platter. Magnetic disks provide storage for large amounts of data and instructions that can be rapidly accessed. For data recording, the surface of a disk is divided into a number of invisible concentric circles called tracks. The tracks are numbered consecutively from outmost to innermost starting from zero. The number of tracks varies greatly between disks, from as few as 40 on some small, low capacity disks to several thousand on large, high capacity disks. Each track is further subdivided into sectors. For this, in addition to the concentric circles, the disc surface is also divided into invisible pie-shapes segments. Thus if there are eight such pie shaped segments, each track will get divided into eight parts, and each of these eight portions of a track is called a sector. Storage capacity depends on †¢ Number of recording surfaces †¢ Numbers of tracks per surface †¢ Number of sectors per track †¢ Number of byes per sector Magnetic Tape A magnetically coated strip of plastic on which data can be encoded is called a magnetic tape. Tapes for computers are similar to tapes used to store music. Storing data on tapes is considerably cheaper than storing data on disks. Tapes also have large storage capacities, ranging from a few hundred kilobytes to several gigabytes. Accessing data on tapes, however, is much slower than accessing data on disks. Tapes are sequential-access media, which means that to get to a particular point on the tape, the tape must go through all the preceding points. In contrast, disks are random-access media because a disk drive can access any point at random without passing through intervening points. Because tapes are so slow, they are generally used only for long term storage and backup. Data to be used regularly is almost always kept on a disk. Tapes are also used for transporting large amounts of data. Tapes come in a variety of sizes and formats. Floppies A soft magnetic disks called a floppy. Unlike most hard disks, floppy disks (often called floppies or diskettes) are portable, because you can remove them from a disk drive. Disk drives for floppy disks are called floppy drives. Floppy disks are slower to access than hard disks and have less storage capacity, but they are much less expensive. And most importantly, they are portable. Floppies come in three basic sizes: * 8-inch: The first floppy disk design, invented by IBM in the late 1960s and used in the early 1970s as first a read-only format and then as a read-write format. The typical desktop/laptop computer does not use the 8-inch floppy disk. 5? -inch: The common size for PCs made before 1987 and the predecessor to the 8-inch floppy disk. This type of floppy is generally capable of storing between 100K and 1. 2MB (megabytes) of data. The most common sizes are 360K and 1. 2MB. * 3? -inch: The most common sizes for PCs are 720K (double-density) and 1. 44MB (high-density). Macintoshes support disks of 400K, 800K, and 1. 2MB. OPTICAL DEVICES Optical storage devices store bit values as variations in light reflection. They have higher area density longer data life than magnetic storage. They are also standardized and relatively inexpensive. Their uses are: read-only storage with low performance requirements, applications with high capacity requirements where portability in a standardized format is needed. Another advantage of optical storage is that the medium itself is less susceptible to contamination or deterioration. Optical drives are also less fragile, and the disks themselves may easily be loaded and removed. In addition, optical disks can store much more information, both on a routine basis and also when combined into storage systems. Their Types: CD-ROM (read only) * DVD (Digital Video Disk) * Blu-ray disc Compact disk read-only memory (CD-ROM) It is portable disk having data storage capacity between 650-700 MB. It can hold large amount of information such as music, full-motion videos, and text etc. It contains digital information that can be read, but cannot be rewritten. Separate drives exist for reading and writing CDs. Since it is a very reliable stora ge media, it is very often used as a medium for distributing large amount of information to large number of users. In fact today most of the software is distributed through CDs. .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be , .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .postImageUrl , .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be , .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:hover , .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:visited , .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:active { border:0!important; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:active , .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3b46b9875f9348d5f45b7f7dc2ee86be:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of mice and men 3 EssayCompact disk, rewritable (CD-RW) adds rewritability to the recordable compact disk market, which previously had offered only write-once CD-ROM technology. DVD Digital Versatile Disk (DVD) is similar to a CD but has larger storage capacity and enormous clarity. Depending upon the disk type it can store several Gigabytes of data (as opposed to around 650MB of a CD). DVDs are primarily used to store music or movies and can be played back on your television or the computer too. They are not rewritable media. * Over 4 GB storage (varies with format) DVD- ROM (read only) * Many recordable formats (e. g. , DVD-R, DVD-RW; .. ) * Are more highly compact than a CD. * Special laser is needed to read them. Blu-ray Technology The name is derived from the blue-violet laser used to read and write data. It was developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association with more than 180 members. Some companies with the technology are Dell, Sony, LG. The Data capacity is very large because Blu-ray uses a blue laser(405 nanometers) instead of a red laser(650 nanometers) this allows the data tracks on the disc to be very compact. This allows for more than twice as small pits as on a DVD. Because of the greatly compact data Bluray can hold almost 5 times more data than a single layer DVD. close to 25 GB. Just like a DVD ,Blu-ray can also be recorded in Dual-Layer format. This allows the disk to hold up to 50 GB. The Variations in the formats are as follows: †¢ BD-ROM (read-only) for pre-recorded content †¢ BD-R (recordable) for PC data storage †¢ BD-RW (rewritable) for PC data storage †¢ BD-RE (rewritable) for HDTV recording

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Input and Output Devices Essay Example

Input and Output Devices Essay 1. Keyboards:Ad- Data can be entered quickly.- Most pcs come with a keyboard.Dis- It is easy to make mistakes when using a keyboard.- Hard to enter some data e.g. details of diagrams and pictures etc.2. Mouse:Ad- It is easier to move stuff around with a mouse than using the arrow keys on the keyboard.- Generally easy to use.- Its often faster to use a mouse of getting the tasks you want to start.Dis- They can stop functioning correctly if not cleaned and looked after properly.- People new to pcs can find it difficult to control the pointer on the monitor.3. Touchpad:A touchpad has all the same advantages as a mouse except it doesnt have the problem of getting dirty.4. Joystick:Ad- Games often take input from a joystick.- There is an immediate feel of direction due to the movement of the stickDis- There not particularly strong and can break.- Can be hard to use and some other methods are preferred5. Digital Camera:Ad- there is no expensive developing costs.- You can edit, enhance or e nlarge the pictures.- Dis- they are generally more expensive than ordinary cameras.- There not as convenient.6. Scanner:Ad- Any image can be converted from paper into digital format and later enhanced and used in other computer documents.Dis- Images can take up a lot of memory space.7. Magnetic stripe reader:Ad- Magnetic strips are built into many plastic cards such as cheque guarantee cards, cash-point cards and personal identity cards.- The magnetic strip on the back of the card can hold the personal details of the card owner and, with the necessary PIN, will allow access to secure information e.g. bank account details. Data stored on the strip is scanned and input into a computer system by a reader.Dis- they can get damaged.- Ordinary equipment can read but not change the data.8. Microphone:Ad- you can add your own recordings to presentations or emails etc.- People with a range of disabilities can use it for voice recognition and many appliances that can be used by voice control. Dis- it can become distorted when background noise is present.- Sound sampling often produces very large data files.8. MIDI:Ad- you can have a wide range of editing tools on the pc e.g. tune speed instrument etc.- The data is very compact.Dis- a musician is required to play the instrument to input in to the pc.- The main disadvantage is that it has a limited specialist use.9. Laser printer:Ad- produces a very high quality output.- are very quiet and very fastDis- quite expensive to buy.10. Inkjet printer:Ad- is cheaper to buy, offering black and white or colour printing with reduced levels of quality and speed.Dis- they are slower than laser printers.- Can dry out if left for long.- Expensive to change cartridges11. dot-matrix printers.Ad- low running costs and are cheap to buy.- Offer a cheap reliable method of getting a second copy of a printout.Dis- They are comparatively noisy and low quality- They are slow.12. Plotter:Ad- A plotter can be used to produce high quality, accurate, A3 size or bigger drawings. They are usually used for Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) applications such as printing out plans for houses or car parts.-Dis- they are slower than printers.- Often more expensive to buy than printers.- Not suitable for text although it can be produced.- limit to amount of detail.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Honda Atlas Essays

Honda Atlas Essays Honda Atlas Paper Honda Atlas Paper Atlas Honda Limited is a joint venture of Honda, Japan. It was incorporated as a public limited company on October 16, 1962 and its shares are listed on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges in Pakistan. The company is principally engaged in progressive manufacture and sales of motorcycles and parts. Atlas Honda is playing a pioneering role in creating conditions for easy and confident use of motorcycles all over the country. Atlas has undertaken to develop local manufacturing capabilities to the highest, economically feasible level. To support its production facilities, the company has established an RD wing and tool making facilities which are growing rapidly in size and function as the company expands. Atlas has managed to execute 14 Joint Venture/Technical Assistance Agreements between local vendors and foreign manufacturers for transfer of technology. Atlas Honda strives to adapt applicable aspects of research and theory and more specially, Hondas unique philosophy of hard/soft technologies to the realities of Pakistani conditions. Company management structure, systems and processes are changed according to the demands of the customer, growth and new technology. Honda motorbikes are by far the best selling motorbikes in the country with an unmatched reputation for high quality, reliability and after-sales-service. Business Scope Business Scope describes The Business we are / want to be in through the eyes of the customers. It defines the areas of operation for the organization. It encompasses the following questions: * Specific Region Regions = where? While a major role in localization has been assigned to vendor industries, Atlas Honda has the countrys largest in-house manufacturing capability in the country at its plants located in Karachi and Sheikhupura. The mother factory in Karachi only produces one category i.e. CD 70. The other manufacturing plant in Sheikhupura produces all the three categories i.e. CD 70, CD 100, and CD 125. (The CD125 is the new model introduced recently). The head office for the operations is based in the city of Lahore with branches maintaining the organizations presence in the cities of Multan and Rawalpindi. To meet customer requirements everywhere, Atlas Honda further expands its network through established dealer network country wide. The only company owned showroom is located in Saddar, Karachi. Its Warranty and Training Centers are located in Karachi, Lahore and Multan. Atlas Honda is currently exporting to Asian counties of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, which constitute around 5% 6% of their total sales. * Functions / applications Functions / applications = what needs? Atlas Honda is catering to the basic need of transport i.e. conveyance and mobility accompanied with Quality and Affordability. * Customers Whose needs? Rural and Urban They are catering to the needs of people living in Rural Areas of Pakistan, as the main market for Honda Atlas happens to be the people from rural areas. Besides, it is also catering to the need of people from urban areas as they also constitute a certain percentage of their total market share. * Added value Atlas Honda thrives to provide its customers with not just superior quality products but also with some added value. Superior Quality of Honda Atlas Motorbikes, its efficient after sale services, allow the consumer to enjoy low maintenance costs and high resale value. New designs and attractive graphics support the user in image and status enhancement. * Considerations The considerations for Atlas Honda Limited involve the scenario of the competition prevailing in the industry. The competition include the other 2 Japan based companies operating in Pakistan i.e. Dawood Yamaha Ltd. and Suzuki Motorcycle Pakistan Ltd. Various other Motorbike companies, producing locally and few of them importing, also serve as the competition for Atlas Honda.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Aisle and Isle

Aisle and Isle Aisle and Isle Aisle and Isle By Maeve Maddox When I came across this use of the word isle on a parenting site, I couldnt help wondering how common the error might be: many people share beliefs from one end of the isle, and some from the other. The context was an item about teaching children about differing political views without prejudicing them against right or left. The writers use of the word isle refers to the seating arrangements in the U.S. in which national representatives and senators sit according to party affiliation. In the U. S. House of Representatives, members of the Democratic Party sit to the Speakers right and members of the Republican Party sit to the Speakers left. A wide central aisle divides the well of the House. In the U. S. Senate, Democratic senators sit to the presiding officers right, and Republican senators sit to the presiding officers left. Metaphorically speaking, ones political opinions can be said to belong to one side of the aisle or the other. A Google search for one side of the isle brought up nearly seven million hits. Many of them were used in reference to small islands, like the Isle of Man, but a dismaying number of links led to texts in which isle occurred in a context that called for aisle. Many were being used in a political context: In the political space there are tons of examples that highlight this issue and they are often controversial. As I said they don’t reside on one side of the isle. Shy of a few misguided Republicans I think the blame for this debacle will lie 99% with one side of the isle. Where does each side of the isle stand on foreign aid? Other examples occurred in literal contexts in which the meaning was passageway between seats or shelves and not small island or island-like structure: If you are in a supermarket stand in the middle of the isle and stare at the products on one side of the isle (leadership training exercise) This [Amtrak] car offers what we call 2 1 seating, where there are two seat [sic] on one side of the isle and one seat on the other side. Perhaps, the most memorable scene of perplexing symbolism follows Alice, with a shovel against her shoulder, and Luc through the toy isle of a supermarket. On one side of the isle, Alice is staring at Barbie dolls (movie review) A little boy was part of his aunts wedding party. As he was coming down the isle during the ceremony (lead-in to a joke in which isle is used for aisle four times in six sentences) Isle derives from Latin insula, island. When it came into English in the late 13th century, the word was spelled ile. Aisle derives from a word meaning wing. (Old French ele, Modern French aile.) The s was restored to the English word ile in the late 1500s. By then, ile and ele/aile had become confused, perhaps from a notion of a detached part of a church (Online Etymology Dictionary), so an s found its way into aisle to match isle. Both aisle and isle are pronounced [Ä «l]. Seating charts for U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingThe Four Sounds of the Spelling OU15 Idioms for Periods of Time

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Poems of Miguel de Unamuno and Miguel Hernandez Essay

Poems of Miguel de Unamuno and Miguel Hernandez - Essay Example This poem was published in Viento del Pueblo in 1937, in the context of the Spanish civil war that started in 1936. The language used alludes to the themes of love, war, victory, life and death, and fatherhood. The title of the poem "Cancin del esposo soldado" (song of the soldier husband), tells us about the main character of the poem and the lyrical form. It is a poem versed in eleven four-versed stanzas. In each stanza, the first three verses are 14 syllabic and the last verse is 7 syllabic. In Spanish metric, this combination is called a "Serventesio". The metric changes in the last two stanzas though, where all four verses complete the 14 syllabus. It has consonant rhyme (e.g. sementera/espera, respondo/fondo), and its metric scheme is: ABAB. The first stanza refers to the conception of the son, but the poet describes the sexual union not as the culmination of pleasure, but as an inevitable and natural act of reproduction. "I have prolonged the echo of blood which I stand for" (he prolongado el eco de sangre a que respondo), then he goes on to describe his wife who has conceived in the next stanza, he alludes to her as a tall dark-skinned woman; giving the image of her as a "pregnant deer". The presence of nature is again used by the poet. In the third stanza, he compares her to a crystal that could break any minute "you seem a delicate crystal to me already", to refer to her fragility and the need to protect her. His love for her is expressed with metaphors used to refer to her such as: "greatest gulp of my life" (gran trago de mi vida), "mirror of my flesh" (espejo de mi carne), "sustenance of my wings" (sustento de mis alas). In these first three stanzas, we have seen that the main theme is his wife and the conception of his son. And now, from the fourth to the seventh stanzas he refers to his situation as a soldier, and the battles he has to endure, while the thought of his wife and son accompany him all along. There are brutal images contrasted with his declaration of love such as: "over the fearful coffins that threaten/ over the same dead men without remedy or pit". But the love he has for her is stronger than any battle, any bullets that threaten his life, and he will love her beyond death, as he claims: "even in the dust, my wife" (hasta en el polvo, esposa). In the sixth stanza he also refers to their economic situation, when he says: " you are drawn to me like a huge mouth full of a hungry set of teeth", and also in the following stanza: "and I defend your poor woman's womb who awaits me" ("y defiendo tu vientre de pobre que me espera"). There is a sense of pride in being a soldier who stands up for his people. He adopts a challenging attitude when he says: "enroll me in the fight, feel me in the trench", because he is confident that their child will be born into a victorious, joyful world, and he will leave behind his soldier's life, with no weapons (fangs or claws). In the ninth stanza, he talks about the difficulty of being a soldier, and about his longing of coming home. "We have to kill in order to keep living". This is very interesting in the poetry of Hernndez, and it characterizes much of his style. The antithesis is an effective literary resource to provoke a strong reaction in the readers. At the tenth, he refers to his wife

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gulf Air Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gulf Air - Case Study Example Assets of the gulf air company have become manifold as compared to the time it started its business. (Gulf Air Official Website, 2010) The history of Gulf aviation relates back to the 1940s when a British pilot and entrepreneur named Freddie Bosworth started a company with the aim of providing air taxi services to the local customers and to the businesses. For ten years he was carrying on with the company with his small fleet of aircrafts and at the end of first quarter of 1950 he transformed his business into a private shareholding company with the name of Gulf Aviation. Therefore, it can be regarded as one of the oldest air carriers performing operations in the Middle East. After some time in 1951, the founder of the company died and it was all set to be sold to the big guns of the aviation industry. (Gulf Air Official Website, 2010) In the month of October of the year 1951 British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) acquired a 22% stake in the Gulf Aviation and therefore became a major share holder in the company. After the purchase of stake of the Gulf Aviation by British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) some of the updated and technologically advanced aircrafts were added to the fleet of the company as well as the company started its services to London city. Year 1973 is regarded as the most important year in the his... Thus by the acquisition of the shares of the company Gulf air became the national carrier of those four countries in the Persian Gulf. Moving further along the line in the same year, Gulf aviation achieved another land mark with the establishment of the subsidiary company of Gulf Helicopters. In the 1980s an increase in the trend of travelling by air was seemed in the world and the air travel was seemed to be the best commuting route in the world. With this opportunity Gulf airways also cashed in to make the best out of the bargain. It was the time of some real growth for the company and the company made the best out of the available opportunities. In the year 1981 Gulf Air became an IATA member and in the following year, it became the first International airline to land at Riyadh. With the progress of the company more and more aircrafts were also being added to the fleet of the company and in the year 1988 Boeing 767s were added to the fleet of the company and with the addition of Boeing 767s more services were offered to different customers of the different destinations. Gulf air also has the prestige of being the first Arab airline to fly directly to the continent of Australia. In the year 1994 Gulf air started receiving the airbus aircrafts and in the year 2000 took t he delivery of all of the remaining airbus aircrafts. In the meanwhile gulf air extended its services to the other parts of the world and the procedure of expansion did not stop. In the 1990s gulf air was down on profits and was not performing well as a corporate entity when the reign of the fleet and resources of gulf air was held in the hands of a newly appointed CEO of the company. In the year 2002 Mr. James Hogan became the president

Sunday, November 17, 2019

New England and Chesapeake Essay Example for Free

New England and Chesapeake Essay During the 1610, the New England and Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, but by 1700 the regions developed into two distinct societies. The distinctions of development arose due to differences in economy and political structure. The economy and political structure of New England and Chesapeake differed based on the geography, needs and the different values or purposes that the regions served, causing two distinct societies to emerge by 1700. In terms of economics, early distinctions occurred in that the economy of the Chesapeake colonies was based on large plantations whereas the economy of New England was based on subsistence farming and mercantilism. In early 17th century Virginia, tobacco became Virginia’s biggest profits. By 1700, 40 million pounds of tobacco was produced and large plantations were dedicated to just growing tobacco, producing a single crop economy. The large plantations provided landowners or tobacco growers with cheap and plentiful labor through the use of slaves and indentured servants. In document C, the passengers aboard the ship bound for Virginia are all mostly made up of single men well below the age of 40, showing that many are probably indentured servants who are going to work in the large plantations. By the 1660s the overproduction of tobacco dramatically decreased tobacco prices causing indigo and rice to become greater commodities. Still large plantations dominated the economy by producing indigo and rice as well. However New England colonies were based on subsistence farming and a barter economy in the early 17th century. Only enough food would be grown to support the community. Fishing oysters, whaling and homespun industry (artisans) dominated the economy. In document B, many craftsmen ventured to New England, showing that artisans were an important part of the economy. There were a few number of farmers aboard the ship as well indicating that farming was not a large part of the economy. After the Restoration and the Navigation Acts in the 1660s which restricted colonial trade to England, New England became a mercantile based economy. Trade dominated the economy. The Chesapeake colonies depended more one agriculture in their economy whereas the New England colonies depended more on trade due to the geography of the two regions. Chesapeake was located further south than New England, therefore having longer warmth periods and flat lands. These geographical  advantages allowed the Chesapeake colonies to have a longer growing season and to be able to create large plantations. The geography of the New England colonies restricted the growing season due to the high ground with many rocks and the cooler climate. New England was located along the coast giving it access to many deep harbors to foster trade. Chesapeake and New England were able to develop in to distinct societies due to their different economies where Chesapeake relied on agriculture while New England relied on mercantilism. In terms of economics, the economy of the regions differed in that Chesapeake was based on slave labor and indentured servitude whereas New England was based on reciprocity. Document A shows how New England is based on reciprocity. John Winthrop, claims that in order for the Massachusetts Bay Colony to succeed, everyone in the colony must work together productively and fend for one another. â€Å"We must be knit together in this work as one man. We must entertain each other in brotherly affection, we must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of other’s necessities.† This shows that the colonists of New England not only work as a group by helping each other achieve success, but also treat each other with respect. Document B shows that most of the passengers heading to New England are heading there with their entire family, indicating there must be a cooperation system in New England where people cooperate with each other to meet their needs and gain profits. Many families are also traveling with their own servants therefore it can be seen that indentured servants or slave labor was not the foundation of the New England economy. In contrast document C shows that the p eople heading towards Virginia (Chesapeake colony) are mostly young single men who are probably indentured servants thereby showing that the economy of the Chesapeake colonies are based on slave labor and indentured servants. During the early 1600s, the Chesapeake colonies mostly depended on indentured servants and some slave labor since a large and cheap labor source was needed for the tobacco plantations. Since many people did not come in families, families formed slowly and could not provide a strong and abundant labor force. Natives in the colonies died quickly, causing a need for a more reliable labor force. Therefore the colonists of the Chesapeake colonies turned to indentured servants, displaced farmers in England who wanted to venture to the colonies, but did not have enough money to pay for the voyages by themselves. A plantation owner would pay for the indentured servants’ voyage and the indentured servant would have to work off the debt by working on the plantations with the promise that they would get land and shelter once they were freed. However, in the 1660s indentured servants became scarce and many of them were freed from service causing plantation owners to turn to slave labor to maintain their plantations. The economy of the Chesapeake colonies depended on slave labor and indentured servitude while New England depended on reciprocity due to Chesapeake’s dependence on agriculture for wealth and New England’s dependence on trade and crafts for wealth. Plantations worked most effectively through the use of cheap and abundant labor while trade and mercantilism worked most effectively through cooperation. In terms of political structure, differences in government can be seen in that the Chesapeake colonies were based more on the landed aristocracy whereas the New England colonies were based more on religion and the church. In the Chesapeake colonies the plantation owners of the landed aristocracy had most control over the government. Many landowners and the landed aristocracy made up the government including the council and the House of Burgess in Virginia. These officials made up the laws and collected taxes, giving them control over the government. William Berkeley, the governor of Virginia during the mid-1600s adopted many policies favoring the plantation owners and used his powers to benefit the landowners, giving large planters economic and political control in the colony. Many freemen who worked off their debts did not have land. The favoring of the landowners by the government soon erupted into a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon. In Document F, Bacon’s Manifesto claims that the government is corrupt and only concerned for their own estates, collecting all the money from the taxes to better develop their estates, showing how the planters dominated the political life of New England. The government failed to protect the frontier settlements where most yeoman farmers were from Indian attacks and instead only concerned themselves with the large plantations. In contrast the government of the New England colonies were centered on religion. In the Plymouth settlement, the church became the civil and social institution of the colony. People who did not conform to the religious values or ideals of the Puritans were executed as seen in the Salem Witch Trials, where the government ordered and allowed the execution of â€Å"witches† or social outcasts  in 1692. In Massachusetts, communities of pure Christians were made. The government did not tolerate any religious views besides Puritan views. Even educati on and literacy centered on religious values. Land in the New England colonies were maintained and controlled by the Elders of the church and the amount of land given to each family would depend on their usefulness to the church as well as the size of the family. Every family should have enough to sustain themselves. The church also dominated political authority. Only male church member could vote, pass taxes, settle disputed, hold town meetings and appoint government officials. The government of the New England colonies was centered on religion whereas the government of the Chesapeake colonies was centered on planters. The differences are due to the original purpose of each region/colony. Virginia and Maryland were founded primarily for commercial venture causing land and commodities to become most important, thereby having land equated power. Massachusetts and Plymouth were founded primarily for refuge for English separatists or puritans causing religion to become the most important aspect of colonial life and thereby giving power to the church. All in all the New England and Chesapeake settlements evolved into two distinct societies despite their English origin due to their economic and political differences. The economy of New England was based on mercantilism and reciprocity/cooperation whereas the economy of Chesapeake was based on agriculture and slave labor. The political system also differed in that New England was based on religion whereas Chesapeake was based on the landed aristocracy and the planters. The differences caused the different regions to develop distinctive needs in order for the regions to prosper, leading to two distinctive societies.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Heroes and Villains in Measure for Measure, Othello, and Haml

Comparing Heroes and Villains in Measure for Measure, Othello, and Hamlet According to John Steinbeck, "Heroes are innocent; villains are cunning." This statement likely regards the internal aspects of characters, such as intellect, reasoning/motivation, and morality/responsibility, as indicated by consistency in action and/or articulation, as in direct speech or soliloquy. An examination of the heroes and villains in Measure for Measure, Othello, and Hamlet can determine whether Steinbeck's generalization is applicable. Although Measure for Measure is not a tragedy by standard conventions, Angelo can be considered a tragic hero since he falls because of his hamartia, hubris. While he fits into Steinbeck's generalization of "innocent" as a victim of the circumstances created by the Duke, Angelo is responsible for his own fate. When asked "Whether you had not sometime in your life/Err'd in this point which now you censure [Claudio]," (14-15, II.i) Angelo affirms he has never felt love or passion, nor had sex. Thus, being a man of virtue, Angelo believes he has the right to impose morality upon the city: he unquestioningly enforces the law forbidding fornication. Since he is righteous, Angelo's motivation is not wrong or immoral; however, once he begins to manipulate sexual morality in his favor, his innocence decreases. Angelo offers to spare Claudio's life should Isabella engage in sexual relations with him; he claims to be tempted by Isabella's virtue, and does not recognize his own hypocrisy in pro posing there is charity in sinning to save Claudio. The reduction of Angelo's virtue and righteousness continues as he sends Claudio's death warrant after he has had sex with Mariana, who he believed to be Isabella. In additio... ...le to comedies, when considering A Midsummer's Night Dream, As You Like It, and Measure for Measure, in which the heroes are mostly virtuous ("innocent"), and the villains are devious ("cunning"); however, since the Duke and Iago are both cunning villains, Steinbeck's notion of villains is also appropriate for tragedy. More importantly, though, as previously noted, these â€Å"heroes† are directly responsible for their fall, and therefore challenge readers to consider the roles of heroes and villains in tragedy less traditionally; Othello is not cunning, nor is he innocent, and so Steinbeck's parameters exclude him. Thus, a more encompassing generalization would be that tragic heroes are responsible, and "villains are cunning" (Steinbeck). Works Cited Shakespeare, William. William Shakespeare: The Complete Works. Ed. Alfred Harbage. 1969. Baltimore: Penguin, 1994.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Integrative Reflection Paper

Integrative Reflection Paper I think that all modules, including the discussion on interpersonal skills, career development, emotional maturity, leadership skills, and service and commitement provided by the course (PERSEF1) are meaningful, but there is one module that I think has influenced a lot in my personal development and effectiveness — which is career development. In this module, I realized many things in planning for a person’s professional life.One of them is that the major effect of work is not to provide the money for attaining and maintaining a standard of living, as long as the person loves what he/she is doing, the work load should not be a burden but a challenge waiting to be overcome. Another statement that I reflected on is: If you plan correctly, you should be able to find the one job that is right for you. I definitely think that this statement is true but I have never foreseen the negative possibilities that a person’s career path may shift e ven after graduating from college.I thought that if a person has set goals and plans ahead, he will most probably have the right job for him. However, I didn’t think of the cases when a person actually plans correctly, but ends up with a job not of his preference. For example, a person who takes up Finance course but ends up teaching preschool students. This module made me reflect on my decisions as a college student like: Do I see myself as an accountant in ten years time? Do I really love this program that I’m currently taking?This module has helped me opened my eyes and become more serious in my studies because I believe that my academic performance in college will reflect my future job after graduation, through which I am equipped with the skills needed for my profession. I became more confident in sharing my thoughts, feelings, and actions in relation to the various topics taken up in class. For example, through the first exercises of the Grandest Version of mysel f, I was confident in sharing my strengths and weaknesses, goals, hobbies, fears to my friends and group mates.Through this, I was able to acquire knowledge of their personal thoughts and actions and I am able to reflect on mine. Throughout the PERSEF1 course, I sometimes consider to take a quick look at the holistic development wheel, which contains the spiritual, intellectual, social, physical, career, and psychological development. I reflect on these developments of whether I am growing to be better in these aspects holistically. I think that my engagement in class, if ranked 1-10, 0 being the highest, I evaluate it to be 8 because I strongly agree to be engaged in the activities offered in class and I actively participated in group discussions and sharing times. From the start of the course, I think that I became more serious in studying for the exams and lessened my leisure time doing useless things. In terms of handling situations involving other people, I gained confidence of doing these on my own and not with the help of other people. I gained trust in my newly-found friends who always willingly support me in my academic life in a span of 2 terms already.In my interpersonal relationship in relating to the larger community, I applied this skill with my NSTPCW1 course where I came to meet people less fortunate than I. I was able to reflect on all these skills that have really changed me for the better over the past months in terms of managing myself, handling situations involving other people, and relating to the society as a whole. PERSEF1 actually influenced my college life adjustment only to a partial extent, because through the first term, I was already able to adjust with my block mates.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Human Overuse of Resources Calls for Second Earth Essay

According to a UK study, growth of the population and an increasing consumption of resources could leave humans in need of a second planet as early as 2030. Human demands on natural resources have doubled in less than 50 years, according to the Living Planet Report. The rate at which resources are being utilized with the population as is – or growing – will exceed the capacity of the planet in about 30 years. The report also said tropical wildlife populations are falling by as much as 60 percent over the past three decades. Authors of the study analyzed 8,000 populations of 2,500 species, as well as global changes in water consumption and land use. According to the latest information, it could be that half of the total plant production and most of the animals worldwide contribute to the wellbeing of just one species – mankind. The exploitation of nature’s resources occurs when we consume more than can be replaced naturally. For example this happens when we cut trees down and do not replace those we have felled. Each time that more trees are felled than can be replaced naturally, it causes the forest to gradually disappear and with it, all of the species dependent on this habitat for survival. Currently the rate of tree-felling is 10 times quicker than the rate of natural reforestation. The exploitation of the sea also belongs in this category. More than 70 percent of the fish we consume are over-farmed. The trawlers have become so efficient that very few fish remain behind as the nets collect the day’s catch. Coal is often used by power-plants to produce electricity. If people would use electricity more efficiently (ie, by turning off appliances when not in use, etc. ), there would be less demand for electric power and thus less coal to be burned. Domestic heating often uses natural gas. One can cut down on consumption by isolating their homes better (reducing the amount of heat which escapes), by using more energy efficient heaters, etc. Soil covers a major portion of the earth’s land surface. It is an important natural resource that either directly or indirectly supports most of the planet’s life. Life here depends upon soil for food. Plants are rooted in soil and obtain needed nutrients there. Animals get their nutrients from plants or from other animals that eat plants. Many animals make their homes or are sheltered in the soil. Microbes in the soil cause the breakdown and decay of dead organisms, a process that in turn adds more nutrients to the soil.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Achieve Your Blog Writing Goals This Year

How To Achieve Your Blog Writing Goals This Year Nearly all bloggers have heard the most blogs fail in three months statistic. Its a boogeyman of a fact if there ever was one. It prevents some from even getting started. It wrings the joy out of writing in a few weeks. And it lets some bloggers walk away with a shrug, assuming they are in good company as they let their blog go dark. You dont have to fail. You can make significant changes to your blog. You can see success whether starting out new or retooling your blog. Follow these tips on achieving your blog writing goals this year. Your New Years Resolution To Blog More Doesnt Have To Fail via @JulieNeidlinger Why Your Blog Will Succeed (But Some Don't) The high failure rate of blogs is truly depressing. It's no wonder that bloggers start the year with big hopes and plans, attempting to offset the inevitable. But, like resolutions or any decision to make a change in life, failure is the dominant feature when considering how many are making the attempt. New Year's resolutions fail because: People make ridiculous, unrealistic goals. People don't mentally prepare themselves to meet the goals and fend off doubt in the meantime. People use guilt, fear, or "bootstrap" resolve to meet goals. People neglect to find supportive people to surround themselves with. So, why are blogs so short-lived? In a survey we conducted, we discovered that 33%  of bloggers spend two hours on a post. Another 25% spend 3 hours on a post. That is a significant time commitment for something, particularly if you're just getting started and aren't seeing the return on that time investment that more established bloggers experience. More #blogging means more time. Meet your blog writing goals, and don't give up.You have to keep writing without any promise of return  and do this for a while. A few weeks or months in is when most bloggers give up. The lack of return in the face of the amount of work it takes to blog makes shutting down the blog easy. In short: Blogs are hard work. Be  ready for that, and you'll succeed. How To Commit To Your Blog The same techniques that you might use to keep your New Year's resolutions can help your blog, too. As with those resolutions, it's simply a matter of committing to something- in this case, your blog- and approaching these changes with an attitude for success. Your blog doesn't have to fail, but it will if you don't follow this list. 1. Don't Over-Commit When You Start Let's say you aren't much of a runner. If you've never run before, making a resolution to run 10 miles a day starting tomorrow is setting yourself up for failure. When you over-commit at the start, it's easy to hurt yourself and too hard to keep with it. The same can be said for starting a blog. Consistency matters more than frequency, so start small with your blog. Aim for one post a week, and make it a good post. Discover your method for creating a blog post and make it a habit. Get started on your own, and worry about adding members  and assembling your  blogging team later. Consistency matters more than frequency for  #blogging. Don't over-commit when you start.Make small goals that you can achieve at the beginning. You need some success under your belt to get the courage and inspiration to up your goals, so succeeding at a few small goals will give you just the right amount of confidence to go forward. Crush your blog writing goals. 2. Start Small Toward A Big Goal, And Have Fewer Goals A better method than starting off with running 10 miles a day? Make that 10 miles a day the big goal, and start by running a mile a day. Then increase it, bit by bit. And have fewer goals to start with. A Stanford University study found that the willpower you have at your disposal is limited. You can only achieve so much before it dwindles and you begin backsliding. So, if you create many blog writing goals to accomplish at the same time, you'll burn through the willpower. Perhaps you'd ultimately like blogging every day, having a highly active presence on social media, and that you want to create an e-book each week. Three goals sounds easy! But they aren't really just three goals. You can't just run 10 miles a day. Just like you can't start #blogging 10 times a week.These are three huge goals made up of many smaller benchmark goals, and you certainly can't do all of that at once. Choose one big goal, and work toward it. Then move on to the next one. Start small. Have just a few goals. Achieve them. Set some more goals. Follow that pattern. 3. Be Specific About Your Blog Writing Goals In the American Journal for Health Promotion, researchers found "the more specific you make your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it." Instead of saying you will "blog more", your goal should be "blog twice a week". Instead of saying you will "use social media better", your goal should be "three Twitter posts a day". You need something specific as your goal so that you know exactly what it takes to get there. Make your goal to blog specific. One post a week may be too much for your #newyearsresolutionVague blog writing goals allow for confusion and leave wiggle room, which allow you to wiggle right out and give up. 4. Put Something That Matters On The Line In the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers discovered that people who were trying to lose weight were more successful if they put money on the line. If those  folks  failed to lose weight, they would forfeit the money they set aside prior to beginning their diet. The participants that had money riding on their weight loss actually exceeded the goal, so powerful a motivator was the fear of losing their own money. What if you and your blogging team were to use this idea, and set up a "bank" of things that mattered. Perhaps you have the best location in the office. Put that on the line. If you don't meet your blog writing goals, you forfeit the space. Give up something you love if you miss your #blogging goal.This seems to be a harsh motivator, but some personalities respond quite well to the idea of losing something that has meaning. Find out what motivates you.   5. Bundle Your Challenges Together Consider the habits you are trying to overcome- and those you're trying to  establish. These are the two battles that are consuming your energy. What if you were to bundle them together so they played off of each other? In a New York Times article about keeping resolutions, the authors suggested an interesting scenario. Let's say you were trying to stop reading trashy novels so much, and you also wanted to work out and exercise more. You could bundle these two goals by allowing yourself to read those novels only while working out. For your blog, make a list of what comes easy to you, and what doesn't. What habits are you trying to break? What habits are you trying to form? Could you bundle them? Let's say you love diving into your feed reader and reading blog posts to get ideas and also love getting involved in the conversations on those posts. Conversely, you hate writing your own posts. You could bundle these by setting up a system where you cannot visit your feeds until you've completed the draft of a post. Combine habits you're overcoming with ones you're trying to establish to #blog more.Again, it's a harsh motivator, but if you're really struggling to find a way to meet blog writing goals, you need to find out what motivates you. This technique might (and it might not) motivate you. Recommended Reading Good Writing Habits of Successful Writers and Bloggers 6. Surround Yourself With People On The Same Path Find others who have a similar goal, or are at least of the same mindset aiming toward improvement. Having the wrong people around you will only make you fail, or add to the burden that you are trying to overcome. A study in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology  discovered that the wrong crowd can increase your stress and other negative health factors. If your goal is to increase traffic and see various kinds of measurable successes on your blog, you shouldn't surround yourself with bloggers who are after more ephemeral or abstract blog writing goals.   You cannot really support each other with anything other than an attaboy since any serious advice you might suggest would not align with either party's goals. Surround yourself with positive people who understand your #blogging goals.Additionally, people who are not on the same path sometimes, even unconsciously, attempt to get you to change course. "Oh, traffic doesn't matter. It's more important to have people that are reading instead of lots of hits." That's a fine statement if your goal is to write posts that people finish reading, but it isn't very encouraging if you have a goal that involves a specific number of hits per day. 7. Keep Writing As You Build Momentum Just as over- committing to blog writing goals that are too big sets you up for failure, so will an eye for expectations that are too large. You will likely not have thousands of readers the first week. You have to write and build up a platform, a reputation, and a following. In other words, you have to keep writing even if it feels like no one is reading. Anyone who has ever set up an exercise goal can appreciate how difficult it is to start and to keep going. It takes awhile to get from there to that magical time when exercise starts becoming fun, and when you finally start seeing results. Most of us are motivated  by results, and when it takes a while to see those results, we get discouraged. I call that time. It can be so easy to quit when you aren't seeing results. And that, unfortunately, is where most new blogs find themselves lodged and are never able to reappear on the other side. Build your own momentum. Find encouragement and reward in the measurable thing that is apparent right now, before those measurable results are seen.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Meeting Expectations Can Make or Break Your Class

Meeting Expectations Can Make or Break Your Class Expectations are powerful, especially when youre teaching adults. Understanding your students expectations of the course youre teaching is key to your success. Make sure you know what your students expect with this ice breaker game for adults. Ideal Size Up to 20. Divide larger groups. Uses Introductions in the classroom or ​at a meeting, to understand what every participant is expecting to learn from the class or gathering. Time Needed 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the group. Materials Needed A flip chart or white boardmarkers Instructions Write Expectations at the top of a flip chart or white board. When it’s time for students to introduce themselves, explain that expectations are powerful  and that understanding them is key to the success of any class. Tell the group that you would like them to: Introduce themselvesShare their expectations of the classAdd a wild prediction of the best possible outcome should their expectations be met. Ask them to be as specific as possible, and encourage silliness or fun if you want. Example Hi, my name is Deb, and I’m expecting to learn how to handle difficult or challenging people, and my wildest expectation is that if I knew how to do that, nobody would ever get under my skin again. Ever. Debrief State your objectives of the course, review the list of expectations the group made, and explain whether or not, and ​why, if not, their expectations will or wont be covered in the course.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week 3 Reflection paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 3 Reflection paper - Assignment Example The origin of multi-cellular organisms is from colonies of single-cell protists. Despite this emphasis of the autonomy of cells, Haeckel a scientist did note that their independence becomes controlled by the bonds of the community as the division of labor The cell was also seen as the essential element of pathological processes according to the illustrated theories. Diseases came to be considered (irrespective of the causative agent) as an alteration of cells in the organism. Andrew a researcher emphasized the primacy of cells for comprehending pathological and normal form and function in the human body. This would therefore draw conclusion that remedies or solutions to pathological ailments must be cell centered if success is to be achieved. In coming up with treatments for pathological ailments, the cell is primary to getting the remedy in relation to compatibility of the remedy produced ensuring that there is life and continuity is not hampered

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Characteristics of a True Hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characteristics of a True Hero - Essay Example This depiction of a hero is only a myth, in reality, a hero is an individual who has abundant amount of strength that is physical as well as emotional in nature, who is brave enough to put his own life at stake for the wellbeing of others, has the ability to stand against pain and is very humble in nature. In movies, several heroes such as the superman, batman and the ironman have been depicted saving the world and human beings tend to acknowledge these heroes with appreciation (Oropeza 5). In the real world there are several heroes around human beings, but they are simply ignored and their importance is never realized. Body Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and they represent different professions, even a common man and a simple man can even be a hero. An individual is not born as a hero; he develops into a hero as his life basses on. People such as cops, fighters of fire, military officials, lawyers and well as doctors can even be regarded as heroes if they exhibit characteristic s of a true hero and if they make the lives of other human beings better through their fearless nature and valor (Jackson 81). An arm official fighting on the border does not fight because he is a psychopath who has an eye for killing other individuals; his main purpose of fighting is the wellbeing and safeguard of the people of the nation he is representing. Both the cops as well as firefighter have repeatedly risked their lives to ensure that the people of their society are safe. Individuals who are on death bed and experiencing tremendous amount of pain due to their health condition and are still fighting against their health diseases without taking up mercy killing as an option to relief pain are heroes (Walsh 1). The most important characteristic that an individual requires to be recognized as a hero is bravery. Heroes have a special condition called bravery because they stand against their darkest fears and are courageous enough to continue fighting even if they fear that thei r attempts may fail. Heroes tend to be determined in nature, they never back down and continue to fight even if they fail during attempts (Rabieh 163). A hero is a person who makes several moves before he finally achieves what he started working out for. This is because attempts to perform a heroic act can fail again and again, but a true hero is one who continues to keep attempting to win even though previous attempts may have failed. A true hero is one who is dedicated to a particular cause and he is dedicated towards that cause in order to protect the interest of others and not to protect his own interest (Mosse 52). He believes that he has a higher purpose and continues to operate to attain that particular purpose. For example Martin Luther King Jr. was a brave hero who stood against slavery at the time when black Americans were suppressed and being killed for standing against the whites. He was an individual who believed in attaining rights for the blacks in a non-violent manne r and continued to make public speeches and led non-violent marches for over 2,500 times in order to help the black Americans attain their right of voting, equal opportunity and civil rights (Moral Heroes 1). He continued to march and use non-violent measures to protest even though his marches were strongly condemned by the police who tried to stop him by arresting him. He was a believer of non-violent methods of protest and he believed that violent measures were wrong and cannot be used to stand against wrong doings. A hero is one who scores high in endurance and who does not give up

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Conflict Resolution Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conflict Resolution Paper - Coursework Example The message had not been replied after half an hour. I decided to write her another text message; this time round it was worse because it included abuses. Still she did not reply. After 2 hours, my anger had cooled down; I decided to call my roommate’s boyfriend to inform me why his girlfriend was not answering my message. I was shocked to learn from the boyfriend that my roommate had gone unconscious before they left the room and rushed her to a medical facility. I suddenly remembered that my roommate was epileptic. The boyfriend confessed of the mess in the room, he confessed that he was trying to look for her medical records and because of the hurry, he ended up disarranging everything. I felt so ashamed to learn that I had to confess to both my roommate and her boyfriend afterwards. If I had to find myself in the same situation in future, I would first of all wait for her to return, ask her why it happened before reacting (Van de Vliert and Euwema 679). I will never let my emotions dominate me next time I find myself in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Report on the Case Study of Virgin Trains. Organization Success

Report on the Case Study of Virgin Trains. Organization Success In the modern era, business activities have got shape of changes in different ways, if we talk in organization behavior, technology of the company, the customer satisfaction, the method of productions, the use of latest and modern equipments, the management of human resource, the intellectual resources, the activities of marketing, marketing management, products development and many other areas of the business which are consistently changing with company environment and customer need and wants. Most of he company now a days are going through change management. Change management is a process of changing the overall activities of the organizations if not all but with some extent those activities which the management feel that the company continuously facing problem by handling the work of the organization. So they decide to change the management or administration or those activities which are continuously disturbing the work environment of the company. The following may be the most imp ortant areas in which the business are taking interest to make a change. These are as under. Culture of the company, Work enviromnet, Technology, Production techniques Administration of the company, Use of latest and modern means and sources for business, Change in management etc. We can define the change management also by the help of following words. The process of changing the activities of the organization as well as the implementation of the procedures and technologies to achieve the desire objective of the organization, simply words to change the environment of the business organization and to achieve a high profit form that changing, usually change management includes different aspects such as control change, adaptation change and effecting change. The final goal of the change management is the long term sustainability of the organization. There may be some internal and external triggers which bring change in the organization activities. Change Management Importance. The process of change management is not an easy task because it requires the business skill, analytical skill, political skill, system skill, people skill, and Change management plays a vital role in the organization development because it gives stability to the organization by studying the internal and external changes. It also provides a solid base for the value and reputation. And also maximize the profit of the business concern. Change management also provides good culture and sound working system to the organization, it also creates top bottom approaches to facilitate and promote the need for a culture. Where employees do perform their activities with effective and efficient manner? Which also provide basis for human resource manger to implement those strategies for training and development which boost up the current employees for the need of the organization? Now a days various companies are hiring the services of management consultant to learn how best manage the activities of the business concern, the consultant providing best techniques for implementing the change process and to achieve the organization objectives. A) Critically examination of the case study of the virgin train. Relationship vision and culture of the company: As before all the trains network in the hand of Britain government, they appointed a separate body for the management and handling of the railway activities known as Britain rail. But since 1997 virgin train operating complete in private sector, the quality and management of the virgin train is now so better. The routes of train go through Manchester, Glasgow, and Birmingham and many others cites of the United Kingdom. The new chief executive of the virgin train has announced a new vision for a company which has with great extent support the company in different situation. Vision and mission statement of the virgin train: Vision: a statement is some time called a picture of the company in the future. Vision statement is the company aspiration, their frame work for all strategic planning of the company. The vision statement answers the question where do we want to go. For example the vision statement of the eye clinic in America is our vision is to take care of your vision. And the vision of the adamjee pharmaceuticals is the name you have learn to trust. Mission: mission statement is a brief description of a company fundamental purpose. Mission statement give answer the question why do we exist. The vision of virgin train is very clear, it has very close relation to the all activities of the virgin trains, the basic and fundamental aim of the virgin train is to achieve the customer satisfaction and coordination among employees, for this reason they have divided the whole activities of the organization into group they have developed separate region for controlling the activities of the virgin train and each region is handed over to manager for best control. Each region of the company is seeking to maximize the quality of the service to customer and other objectives of the company. Tony Collins the chief executive the company has well established the vision of the company which has differentiated the company with others, the main theme of the vision of virgin train is to empower the employees to take responsibility and ownership of their performance. This vision has worked with great extent. And have played an important role in transforming the vision in culture of the company . Vision helps the organization to meet the objective and target with some core values. The vision of the virgin train is To become the most safe, consistent, reliable and profitable of the train operating franchises in a climate that respects different views and people need not be afraid to be open and honest. If we see the vision of the virgin train it is clear form the above that it set out the concept of profitability, safety and responsibility and customer services and relation with them. Now we will see that how the vision and culture of the virgin train have some relation or not. Culture is the way of working style in the organization which is clearly study from the behavior of he employees, culture is the way of working activities, that how the manager behave with employees while they are doing their activities. And how manger treats the subordinates. Culture also depicts the procedures and system for activities and care abut the customer because customers are the ultimate king of the business. The virgin train vision and culture have strong relation ship becaus e the vision of the virgin trains have provided a solid base for culture of the company, as we have studied in this case study of the virgin train that they have now divided the activities in different region and they have move from their traditional concept to new one is the customer is the priority. We can see the culture example how they have managed the culture from their vision, the provision of toys in waiting rooms to keep childrens happy. Virgin train also encouraging recycling in all offices. They have also encouraging employees to take part in communication and give suggestion and share ideas of important issues and challenges. B) What influence organization culture in change management. First of all we must shortly define that what is meant by culture, organizational culture is a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization form other organizations. (Stephens). Culture is also consists of norm, values, attitudes, beliefs, opinion and custom and traditions of the employees while doing work in the organization how they feeling and how they finding the place for their selves. Factors influencing organization culture: The following elements or factors can be sued to influence the organization culture. a) Control system b) organization structures c) power structures d) the paradigm e) stories and myths f) symbols and g) rituals and routines a) Control system: The system to monitor that what is going on in the organization. b) Organization structures: The hierarchies of the organization, the way through which the work can be carried on, the lines of reporting etc c) Power structures. What is power based. Who will be responsible for making decision, and how power can be widely spread. d) The paradigm; the organization mission. Values, vision, what it about, and why it exists. e) Stories and myths. Events must be building up, and what is important in organization and what is not, f) Symbols. The logos and design of the organization but it also be extended. g) Rituals and routines. Meeting of management, reports of the board and so one. C) Contribution of the Organization Structure to the achievement of the Change process. Organization structure may define as organizational structure is a system of arrangement, the pattern or network of relation, between the various positions and their holders. David Buchanan.) All organization has some aims and objectives. To achieve those objectives all organization makes provision to regulate such activities, which contribute to the achievement of the goals. Such allocation of resources, supervision and coordination among the organization elements are developed to constitute the organization structure. What may be the structure of the organization if it is matrix or project, free form but with out proper structure of the organization activities no change process can be best implemented in the organization because organization structure makes it easy to understand the whole activities of the organization and which help in the change process. So it is very important for the management to develop such structure which regulates the activities of the organization and to achieve the targets. Peter Drucker suggests some principles for designing organization structure these are; clarity economy direction of vision understanding by individual of his own task and the task of whole decision making stability and adaptability and perpetuation and self renewal these principles serves to support the designing in the organization structure, if these are follows so with no doubt one can develop good and stable structure which may be supportive in the change management process, as we have seen from case study that how virgin trains have developed the regional structure according to the vision of the company. Elements of the Organization Structures: Five main elements of the organization structure are People Technology Objectives of the organization Environment e) Structure of the company itself. Organization can be viewed as a complex system, which consist the above variables. These variables mutually interrelated with each other and constitute the organizational structure and these variables are affected by environment such as social, political, economical and environmental. Types of the Organizational Structure: Line structure, Staff structure, Functional structures, Matrix structure and Project base. Designing the Organizational Structure: There are many type of organization and every organization has a different structure. Different people are placed in different position in different department of the organizations. Division of grouping and task into functions, departments, sections, and units constitutes the organizational structure. As virgin train adapted the structure for carrying the activities of the trains, they have divided the region and assign each region to a manager for handling the activities and every employees of that region are responsible to report to that specific manger. Departmentalization: Departmentalization refers to the process of grouping together employees who having common supervisor and resources. In simple word departmentalization is the division of the organization into different wings and every wing has common goal and responsible for any work done. An organization may be departmentalizing on the following basis. Function basis e.g. research, finance, and sale etc Product basis e.g. a college on subject base Customer base e. g bank, consumer loan, and business loan departments. Geographic base Time base e.g. one shift, two shift etc Now it is prove form case study of the virgin trains that how organization structure achieved the change process in that specific area, all the activities of the virgin trains have designed in such a way to achieve the customer satisfaction and employees coordination D). Strategies of the virgin trains: As clear form the case study of the virgin train that the company has adopted two main core strategies customer oriented strategy and employees or worker oriented strategies both strategies have developed the virgin trains, because in virgin trains giving priority to customers they are considering that customers are the kings of today market they are better decided about the failure and success of the business concern, and the company all activities are going round with customers so by adopting this customer priority strategy the virgin trains are now attempting to have different position to its rival or competitors, and the other one strategy which have adopted by virgin train is employees oriented because the virgin train is also considering that the workers are also the core point of the success of the business if worker are provided a good environment, health and safety condition, good reward system, well motivated so they can perform better and the company can achieve the goal easily. Effective of the strategies: By adopting these two core strategies the virgin trains now getting several advantages, they have achieved the customer satisfaction, and customer also have realized that the virgin trains is the only quality provider among the different other trains service provider in the Britain, because by adopting the strategy for customer the virgin trains have improved the quality of service by providing different services in different station of the Britain. They have also achieved the customer loyalty not only for short term but also for long term, which in term not maximizing the profitability of the virgin trains but also the reputation and goodwill of the company in the mind of the people. By adopting the strategies for employees they have also improved the work quality and have changed the behavior of the employees in work place which in result have brought good and effective working environment, which have great impact on the quality of services and working condition of the company. The y have also reduced the sickness levels ,the lowering staff turnover rates, have improved customer satisfaction ratings and have reduced numbers of complaint letters form the side of customer and community and also have cost saving from the implementation of this vision of virgin trains. Recommendation: The virgin trains can also improve their services by providing or adopting the following suggestion. Fare should be reasonable to affords by general customer to travel The reward system of the company should be based on employees need which will have positive result form the side of employees and will bring coordination. Fast and time arrival to destination has also the key success of any trains system in the world. Various facilities to customer in different station may also increase the reputation of the company. To design comprehensive, structured program which may also improve the virgin trains performance. A well reporting system may also be developed by the company to have best control of the activities of the company. Introduction of modern technology and system And improvement in system efficiency and productivity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Helena Blavatsky :: Ukraine Biographies Writers Authors Essays

Helena Blavatsky Helena Blavatsky was an intriguing woman from the country of Ukraine. She could be considered a nomad for her time; however, she was not interested in finding food and shelter. Helena wanted to find those who were considered spiritualists like herself. She lived from 1831-1891 and can be considered a very influential woman from her era. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born August 12, 1831 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Her father was Colonel Peter von Hahn and her mother was Helena Andreyevna von Hahn. Colonel von Hahn was a military man fighting in Poland when Helena was born. Her mother, often hurt by her husband’s absence and wrote about the turmoil of being a woman in her time. She published 8 novels by the time she faced an untimely death at the age of 27 as a highly regarded novelist. Helena’s mother knew from the time she was born that she was no average child. (3, 4, 5, 6) When Helena was born she was very weak and the people around doubted she would even live. Therefore, before the baby was even 24 hours old a baptism was held. Helena’s aunt, a young child, was asked to stand in as a godmother. During the ceremony, the child became restless and knocked over a candle without anyone noticing. The priest performing the baptism suffered severe burns when his robe caught fire. The people at Helena’s baptism saw this as a sign. She was nicknamed Lyola because her grandparents and servants thought she had powers. (6) As a child, she had great passion for magic and the unknown. She was often found playing by the river in Ekaterinoslav. She said she was playing with the russalkas whom were green haired nymphs thought to haunt the riverbanks. When servants and other children bothered her, she threatened to have the russalkas tickle them to death. (2) While Helena, her mother, sister, and brother traveled a lot due to her father’s military position, Helena was always happiest playing with the servants’ children and not the children of her rank and aristocracy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Formation of Construction Contracts

Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Outline of the NEC Contract a) Summary of the ethos & key aims of the Contract i. Stimulus to good management ii. Variations iii. Clear and simple language b) Strengths c) Weaknesses 2. Main Option Clauses a) List of main Option Clauses b) Summary and Comparison of Option Clauses c) Recommendation 3. Secondary Option Clauses a) 15 ‘X’ Secondary Options b) Two ‘Y’ Clauses c) Discussion of ‘Z’ Clauses d) Recommendation 4. Conclusion 5. References 1. Outline of the NEC Contract The NEC Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) (previously the New Engineering Contract) has been developed to meet the current and future needs for a form of contract to be used in the engineering, building and construction industries. It is an improvement on existing standard contracts in a number of ways. ’ (NEC, 2005). a) Summary of the ethos & key aims of the contract i. Stimulus to good management The use of the NEC EC C should stimulate good management between the employers, designers, contractors and the project managers, and also make them work collaboratively to enable them to achieve their own objectives more consistently.It should also allocate the risks associated with the project between all parties clearly and simply to reduce the possibility of those risks occurring. The ECC focuses on ‘real time’ management of the project rather than looking back at what the parties should have done. This means the programme of works should always be up to date regardless of any changes. ii. Variations A variation is a change to the contract/programme of works after the contract has been agreed. An example of a variation could be a modification to the original design of works.In this case, the designers of the works would have to issue an early warning notification to all other parties involved to ensure they all know of any extra costs or delays in works that could happen as a result of th e change. After this, ‘the parties are then required to meet, to seek mutually beneficial solutions to overcome these problems, and to operate a formal Risk Register of notified events. ’ (NEC, 2005). This change also results in a compensation event and a sum of money is usually paid to the effected parties. iii. Clear and simple languageThe NEC ECC is written in ordinary language which is clear and simple and only uses words which are in common use. This makes it easy for everyone to understand, especially those whose first language is not English or those who are not used to using formal contracts. This also makes it easier to translate into other languages. The NEC ECC also has fewer clauses than in many standard forms, uses short sentences and the use of subjective words is kept to a minimum. Also, there is no cross-referencing between clauses. b) Strengths ? ? It can be used in a wide variety of commercial situations, for any type of work and in any location. Clear and simple document which is easy to understand and follow. Nothing is getting tested in the courts so no case law is being built. c) Weaknesses Aled Rhys Hughes 200714325 2. Main Option Clauses a) List of main Option Clauses ? ? ? ? ? ? ‘A) Priced contract with activity schedule; B )Priced contract with bill of quantities; C) Target contract with activity schedule; D) Target contract with bill of quantities; E) Cost reimbursable contract; F) Management contract. (NEC, NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract, 2005) b) Summary and Comparison of Option Clauses ? Option A: ‘Provides a priced contract where the total of the price tendered by the contractor against each activity represents the amount he will be paid for that work. ’ (Rowlinson, 2011). Option B: ‘Provides a priced a priced contract but this time with a bill of quantities. Under this option, the contractor is paid the actual quantity of work carried out at the rates in the bill of quantities. ( Rowlinson, 2011). Option C: ‘The contractor tenders the prices (the target) backed by an activity schedule together with relevant percentages and rates. The percentages and rates are used in calculating the defined cost and price of work to date. ’ (Rowlinson, 2011). Option D: ‘Main option D follows the same approach as main option C, except that a bill of quantities is used against which the final total of the prices is re-measured. ’ (Rowlinson, 2011).Option E: ‘The employer pays for all the resources utilised by the contractor to carry out the works, following a formula employing various tendered rated and percentages, subject only to the disallowing of costs resulting from the contractor’s inefficient use of resources. ’ (Rowlinson, 2011). Option F: ‘Provides a management contract option under which the contractor is paid a fee for carrying out prescribed duties. ’ (Rowlinson, 2011). ? ? ? ? ? The main difference between each option clause is the risk associated with each one however; the risk for the contractor and client will differ for each option clause.The contractor faces high risk if option A is used decreasing to low risk if option F is used. The client is the opposite where they face low risk if option A is used and high risk if option F is used. c) Recommendation The use of main option clause A should be adopted in the contract document for this project. This option minimises the risks associated with the project for the client and all responsibility is then placed on the contractors to complete the project on time and for the agreed price. Aled Rhys Hughes 200714325 3.Secondary Option Clauses a) 15 ‘X’ Secondary Options ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ‘X1: Price adjustment for inflation; X2: Changes in the law; X3: Multiple currencies; X4: Parent company guarantee; X5: Sectional Completion; X6: Bonus for early Completion; X7: Delay damages; X12: Partnering; X13: Performa nce bond; X14: Advanced payment to the Contractor; X15: Limitation of the Contractor’s liability for his design to reasonable skill and care; X16: Retention; X17: Low performance damages; X18: Limitation of liability; X20: Key Performance Indicators. ’ NEC, NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option A: Priced contract with activity schedule, 2005) b) Two ‘Y’ Clauses ? ? ‘Y (UK) 2: The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996; Y (UK) 3: The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. ’ (NEC, NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option A: Priced contract with activity schedule, 2005) c) Discussion of ‘Z’ Clauses Z clauses are intended for UK Government clients when using the NEC3 forms of contract. These clauses are additional conditions to the main NEC3 contract and are not intended for independent use. ) Recommendation An example would be for the contractors to request that the secondary option clause ‘X6: Bonus for early Completion’ to be included in the contract to reward them for possible early completion of the project. However, the client might request to include the secondary option clause ‘X17: Low performance damages’ to make sure that the contractors do not rush the job in order to attain their bonus. Aled Rhys Hughes 200714325 4. Conclusion ? ? ? The use of the NEC3 Contract is an overwhelming form of contract favourite and is highly regarded within industry.The use of the NEC3 Contract should be used as a governing document for the tender and subsequent project. The use of the main option clause A should be adopted in the contract document for this project. 5. References ? ? ? ? NEC. (2005). NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract. NEC. (2005). NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Guidance Notes ECC . NEC. ( 2005). NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option A: Priced contract with activity schedule. Rowlinson, M. (2011). Practi cal Guide to the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.